Thursday, July 12, 2007

Expectation of perfection

Have you ever wondered that most people expect the world be perfect as per their liking, but dont like it when the world expects perfection from them?

A young boy expects his mom not to trouble him when he is watching TV (because a perfect world according to him consist of uninterrupted-tv-no-nagging-from-mom), but doesn't like to conform when his mom expects him to make his own bed. A wife expects her husband to cook, but doesnt like it when the husband expects the same from her! A boss wants his junior to do honest work , but doesn't like it when the poor junior wants an honest feedback!

Why do we expect the world to be in a certain way, when we do not like the 'burden' of expectation. Well then, we must understand that the person or system from whom we expect also feels burdened. There seem to be two "solutions" to this : Free the world from your expectations (difficult), or, having a softer approach to administering your expectation. It is important to give everybody from a child to a parent the feeling of being free and independant. If you hammer your expectation into somebody, he/she will most likely react. Therefore an alternavtive is to explain the reason for your expectation in a open, (depending on the situation) loving manner and have a discussion about the other person's comfort/ apprehensions about it. Then you negotiate the levels! As a mother your ideal world would be one where your kid makes the bed everyday.. start by letting your child do it once a wekk, then twice then thrice. You will see great results.

Imagine, if instead of getting a dump down from your boss"this is what I expect you to do by this day, bye bye", you hear "here is what we were planning to achieve, here is how we were thinking we should do it, sounds good?" Sounds great, doesn;t it? To me it does.

Another dimension : I have noticed several times that people manage to find a fault in some of these things or everything : mom, dad, brother, friends, education, boss, infrastructure, job, husband, wife, kids, school, sunlight, rain, winter- woah! :)
I must admit that I belong to the fault-finder community. It pinches me several times, because finding faults makes me unhappy and dissatisfied. But yet, I continue to have this expectation of 'perfection'.. it keeps me longing for a better (rather, perfect) world..

But then I wonder, am I perfect? My mom certainly doesn't think so ;) Kidding, I'm sure I'm not. Deep down inside everybody knows that they are not perfect. And the aspects of you which are not perfect are opportunities for the activation of fault-finding hormones in another human being.

A lot of time and energy gets absorbed in finding faults and discussing them. I great way to use this energy is to do something positive to attempt to change the fault. Write to the traffic police if you are having serious traffic problems, discuss (politely) with your relatives and friends if you have a problem with them, speak to your boss. I am sure after you have done this, you will feel much better. and feel a lesser urge to brood over the fault. Of course there will be some faulty things that you can do nothing about. Then well, leave them as they are. They must have been placed by the Creator with some intention :0)

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